Great & Awesome Christmas
If you find the events surrounding the birth of Jesus a bit difficult to believe, you’re not alone. There are angels, shepherds, a stable, and the virgin birth. While those can make it harder for some, when you hear the entire backstory, the whole thing is really quite Great & Awesome.
Join us Sundays in December as we look at the powerful backstory of Christmas.
Lessons from a Runner - Part #2
Lessons from a Runner - Part #1
Lessons from a Runner
Running is usually something you either love or hate. Running with someone or away from someone impacts these opinions. Join us Sunday, November 19 & 26 as we learn some running lessons from one of the most famous runners in the Scriptures.
Happy - Part #6
Happy - Part #5
Happy - Part #4
Happy - Part #3
Happy - Part #2
Happy - Part #1
Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? Why is happiness easy to find, but hard to keep? We have all looked for happiness in buying something, in dating someone, or in pursuing some status, only to find happiness wasn’t included or didn’t last. Join us as we discover together what really makes us Happy starting Sunday, October 8 at 11am.
Who Needs God - Part #6
Series adapted from North Point Community Church
Who Needs God - Part #4
Series adapted from North Point Community Church
Who Needs God - Part #3
Series adapted from North Point Community Church
Who Needs God - Part #2
Series adapted from North Point Community Church
Who Needs God - Part #1
Series adapted from North Point Community Church
Who Needs God
Perhaps nobody. Perhaps everybody. For 6 weeks starting August 20, we will have conversations around this idea. We believe the church should be the safest place to have conversations like this. Join us on Sundays 11am at our campus OR at a lunch group meeting at restaurants around Cupertino.
We kicked off the series with a FREE BBQ lunch in our Courtyard. Our goal for these Lunch Groups is for people to begin these conversations with other people.
Potential Lunch Group Options
CARRYOUT/CATERED LUNCH - on our campus with the playground available for families with kids.
HOBBEE'S - 21267 Stevens Creek Blvd #310, Cupertino, CA