Heroes - Part #2
Heroes - Part #1
- Which superhero did you always want to be as a kid?
- Now as an adult, which superhero do you want to be?
- What about that particular hero appeals to you?
- Did you want to save the day or just have some cool powers?
- Does being a hero feel out of reach?
Join us in July as we look at some heroes from the story of God. We might just discover that maybe we all can be heroes!
Now What? - Week #4
Now What? - Week #3
Now What? - Week #2
Now What?
It is no ordinary question. It is a question about the future. A state of mind. A curiosity. An impatience. The restless pursuit of what can be. A promise to always push beyond what is. To challenge convention. To question everything. To constantly remind ourselves of those far from God. Join us starting June 4 as we answer the question Now What?
How to Beat the Odds - Week #5
How to Beat the Odds - Week #4
How to Beat the Odds - Week #3
How to Beat the Odds - Week #2
How to Beat the Odds - Week #1
How to Beat the Odds
We all want successful relationships with our spouse, kids, parents, co-workers, and friends. So why does it feel like the odds are stacked against us? Don't be a statistic. Find out how to beat the odds in this series beginning April 23.
Easter 2017
The Bad Boys of Easter - Week #3
The Bad Boys of Easter - Week #2
The Bad Boys of Easter - Week #1
The Bad Boys of Easter
In the days and weeks preceding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, three groups of characters found their way into the story. Each had problems, but mostly around his unwillingness to surrender control to the Savior of the world. Initially, it might be easy to dismiss them as fools. However, there is a little bit of them in all of us. Join us in the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday to learn how we can avoid the mistakes they made.
Eyes on the Road
A huge potential problem for churches & Christians throughout history is that we would fail to follow the example of the father in the story of the Prodigal Son.
That we would become content with who is here and lose concern for those who are absent, have wandered away or perhaps have never been introduced to a Father who loves them.
This is a familiar story, but we hope it’s a story that would re-align our hearts with the heart of:
… a Father who was willing to leave the 99 to find the 1.
… a Father who refuses to stop searching until what is lost is restored.
… a Father who throws a party for a son who has done nothing to deserve it.
… a Father who always has His Eyes on the Road.