Are you an extraordinary person? What if you decided to be an extraordinary... employee, wife, son, friend? When we ask the question "what would an extraordinary person do" we seem to know the answer.
Unfortunately, many of us rarely choose to be extraordinary. These are 3 common reasons you might not be extraordinary:
You use your freedom to be like everybody else.
You use your freedom to trust in the data you receive.
You don't know your identity.
As Christians, we are invited just like the nation of Israel to be so extraordinary that those around us would want to participate in what our God is doing. However, we let these ordinary things get in the way.
In Judges chapters 6-8, we find Gideon hiding from the captors of Israel. An angel from God comes to Gideon and reminds him that God is with him.
What would you do if you were confident God was with you, in you, and for you?
God invited Israel & Gideon to an extraordinary life. Gideon trusted God. The same invitation is available today for you & me.
Message adapted from North Point Community Church.