I am excited for what God could do through New Life!
I have been on the job for a little over a month now, and while the To-Do List has grown, I am so excited about how God could use our church. This might seem like a clichéd thing for the pastor to say, so here are some reasons I am excited:
- you have been so welcoming and caring to me and my family...thank you!
- you have worked together to care for one of our members mostly independent from me
- you have taken on important tasks & responsibilities that have allowed me to focus my energy & strength on other items
- God has really clarified the vision & direction He has given me
Along those lines, I am really excited about the next several weeks as I am able to begin to share this with you. This Sunday we will take communion together and hear about arguably the most important aspect that will enable us to do the impossible in & through our church.
I look forward to worshiping our God of the Impossible together these next several weeks!
Pastor Chris