Online Family Resources

PRESCHOOL KIDS (0 - 5 yrs)

Parents, start this online experience with the video. If possible, sit with them on their level and watch together. Dance to the song with them! Ask them what they heard or remembered from the video. Check out the buttons below for the memory verse, conversation card, and activity, as well as discussion questions below.


Check out these videos as we learn about how God can use us to show His love to those around us. Watch the corresponding video, and then check out the buttons for the talk about video, song, and activities throughout the week.


Check out the video for this Sunday. Also, if you would like to join our Zoom group on Sunday afternoons, email for the information. Also, check out the great resources at the buttons below.

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of New Life Church during this season. Even though we aren't gathering in person, you can still worship through giving online. Our online giving platform is secure and simple to use. If you are on an iPhone you can give in seconds with Apple Pay.