We know many families are looking for safe and fun experiences, so we hope you’ll make us a part of your Easter plans. Gather up your family on April 9 from 10am until 12noon for age specific egg hunts, candy, and a few fun surprises!
We will require masks for everyone, except kids under 2 years old. Also, we encourage families to stay distanced as much as possible, since our youngest kids can’t be vaccinated yet.
*This event might change if Santa Clara County’s numbers or restrictions change.
PLUS, we are collecting food drive donations to benefit West Valley Community Services. Help us make this a fun event that benefits those in need. We're collecting these non-perishable food items:
Canned fruit (own juice/water)
Canned vegetables (low-sodium)
Canned soups & stews
Rice & pasta
Cans of peanut butter
We will have large collection bins for your donations near the front lawn.
We can’t wait to see you!