As part of our Be Rich campaign, we are practicing loving our neighbors. Here are 3 ways you can participate.
#1 Thank You Cards
During this challenge, we encourage everyone to express their appreciation for a public servant they know. We have plenty of thank you cards and sample ideas in our Lobby. We also have special thank you cards to express appreciation and gratitude to our county social workers who serve our community with foster kids, birth families, and foster families. Anyone can take some cards, fill them out, and return them back to us to deliver to these social workers.
#2 Love Cards
As a way to express love to those around us, we are challenging each other to bake cookies for a neighbor, pay for the coffee of the person in line behind you, or other acts of love. When we do this, hand them one of the Love Cards that says “Something extra to show you God loves you…and so do we.” Share your stories with us through social media or email of how you do this.
#3 Snacks for Foster Parents
Each month we host a foster, adoptive parent training on our campus. As a way to express our appreciation and love for the difficult and necessary work these families provide to vulnerable children, we like to provide them with yummy snacks while they are being equipped and learning how to best love these kids.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities or have questions, email or talk to Pastor Chris for more information.
* As always, we would love to hear stories of how you loved your neighbor through social media, email, tell us on Sunday, or use the form below!